The Kildonan Coed Softball League strongly recommends that all players wear protective equipment while playing both defensive and offensive positions, ESPECIALLY Pitchers and 1st & 3rd basepersons
Protective equipment including masks, headwear, catcher’s equipment & shin guards that may be used any League event
LEAGUE FEES: $1450.00 per team. Teams paid in Full by May 13th will get as $50.00 discount (Pay only $1400.00) This includes team insurance, GST and administration costs for all League, League Tournament and Playoff Games.
Teams are responsible for paying umpire fees (cash only) for all regular season and playoff games. $15.00 per team per game for scheduled 5 inning games in playoffs. $35.00 per team per for scheduled 6 inning games.
Budget for a maximum of 9 Doubleheaders games of $35.00 per doubleheader (4 League tournament games that count in standing are 5 innings) plus minimum of 8 playoff and League Tournament games at $15.00 (maximum of 14 games depending how far you advance in playoffs and League Tourney) Umpires must be paid at or before “Ground Rules” meeting (in cash and paper bills- no change please)
In the event of a forfeit. The non-forfeiting team will NOT pay umpire for that game. The League will pay the umpire and the forfeiting team will be responsible for reimbursing the League for FULL UMPIRE FEE ($70.00) with 7 days of forfeit or risk suspension) This INCLUDES a team forfeiting during the game with open Liquor at City Diamonds OR at Buhler Park for outside Liquor. If a team forfeits a game at Buhler Park in which their opponents were at the Park for only one game that day they will be fined an additional $40 which will go directly to opponents to cover gate fees of the team.
If a team contacts the League with a courtesy call a minimum of 24 hours before game time to forfeit a game so we can contact the opponents and the umpire, they will not be responsible for Umpire Fees. If a team does give a courtesy call to forfeit, and the game/s end up being rained out, it will NOT be a forfeit, and will be rescheduled for the makeup weekend. If as team forfeits on a makeup date and it is rained out, it will NOT be rescheduled and still a forfeit
PAYMENT PLAN: Please make any cheques payable to “Kildonan Sports” any other Cheques will no longer be accepted by our bank
LEAGUE FEES: $1450.00 per team. Teams paid in Full by May 13th will get as $50.00 discount (Pay only $1400.00) This includes team insurance, GST and administration costs for all League, League Tournament and Playoff Games.
Minimum $400.00 deposit holds your spot till April 20th
Minimum $800.00 deposit by April 20th … Paid in full by June 3rd
Fees are $1450.00 if paid in full before May 13th and $1400.00 after
Home team supply bases, including safe base for first base, home plate and pitching rubber and set up diamonds and supplies 2 playable game balls, Worth HOT Dots (white or optic yellow) Home team must supply the mat for the strike zone- 24” x 48” you may cut up an old carpet or make one from rubber. Diamonds will already be set up only at games at Buhler Recreational Park.
· Safe base is mandatory, foul flags are optional, but recommended.
· All infielders should wear a mask but it is optional.
· No titanium or hardball bats allowed, all bats must have grips, or be properly taped (no electrical tape) All bats must be legal as per the SPN guidelines
· Cleats - for insurance purposes, steel cleats are illegal. Players must remove them immediately or leave the game. Players will be called out if caught while at bat or on base.
· Uniforms - team uniforms are optional (but recommended)
· Umpires will supply scorecards. Please put player FIRST & LAST NAMES on Scorecards. City Diamonds- Winning teams must bring scorecard to League Headquarters at Boston Pizza, Regent & Lagimodiere or at drop box at Buhler Recreation Park, immediately after game or risk forfeit. There will be a box set up by our scoreboard there in the lounge. Old Ex Diamonds ONLY Umpires will call in scores and turn in scorecards
Insurance/League Roster: Teams will now register online through SPN at www.slo-pitch.com. Every single player must register online for EVERY Team they play or Spare on. We will send all contacts the details and instructions on how to register by May 1st . No Rosters will be handed out or signed like in past seasons
RAINOUTS- Rain outs will be on designated weekends throughout the season. There will be deadlines set for teams not available to play to forfeit without fines. If teams forfeit after deadline fines will be imposed. Deadlines and exact fine amounts will post posted on the web site prior to the dates games are to be played
The League Tournament will be played June 7th- 9th (rain date TBA) with beer gardens and headquarters Buhler Recreation Park. Umpires fees now paid by the teams. All prizes will be awarded at Beer Gardens at Buhler Recreation Park after all finals are completed. Team must pay umpires at League tournament. There will be deadlines set for teams not available to play to forfeit without fines. If teams forfeit after deadline fines will be imposed. Deadlines and exact fine amounts will post posted on the web site prior to the dates games are to be played
August 9th- 11th at Buhler Recreation Park. All teams participating. Umpire fees paid by teams. There will be deadlines set for teams not available to play to forfeit without fines. If teams forfeit after deadline fines will be imposed. Deadlines and exact fine amounts will post posted on the web site prior to the dates games are to be played
Teams have choice of playing one day a week- Monday- Thursday – 6 inning doubleheaders each night. If we get started on the target start day, the week of May 2nd there will be some bye weeks in which you will have no games. We will try to schedule rainouts if possible on some bye weeks
We do have limited spots so space is limited and on first come basis
First Schedules for week one in May will be emailed out by no later than May 10th with the balance of May released with 48 hours of next game day
Season starts the week of May 13th
Remaining schedules will be emailed on a date TBA as we will do up schedules for May, then June then July and adjust divisions if needed
Regular season-22 games and 4 playoff games guaranteed (all teams make the playoffs).
Playoffs- all teams will be playing on playoff weekend August 9th- 11th (so plan ahead, if players are on holidays that weekend make sure you have enough eligible players for that weekend to field a team) Umpire fees paid by teams
All teams will play 6 games, and then, based on caliber put into divisions for the next 6 games and the League Tournament. We will do final seedings for the remainder of the season and playoffs Teams will remain on their preferred night of play throughout the season
Prizes for playoff winners & finalist range are SPN Molson Slo-Pitch Prizes. All prizes will now be awarded at Beer Gardens at Buhler Recreation Park after all finals are completed
Game Duration- All regular season weekday games – 6 innings, 15 run mercy rule after 4th or 10 run mercy rule after 5th inning. You play the same team twice with each team home team for one game. Maximum of 6 runs per inning, except final inning which is OPEN
- Umpire Fees- Budget for a 9 doubleheaders at $35.00 on your selected night of play
- Ump fees for the League Tournament & Playoff weekend are also to be paid by the teams. Those games are 5 innings each team pays the ump $15.00 per game. Each of these weekends you are guaranteed 4 games. If you win the first game Sunday you keep playing till you lose of win the finals so could play up to 3 more on those Sundays. You can budget for minimum of 8 games over those 2 weekends and maximum of 14
- Suggestion- budget for $525.00 for ump fees and may have to some money left over
(4 League tournament games that count in standing are 5 innings) plus minimum of 8 playoff and League Tournament games at $15.00 (maximum of 14 games depending how far you advance in playoffs and League Tourney) Umpires must be paid at or before “Ground Rules” meeting (in cash and paper bills- no change please)
· Profanity rule- anyone using profanity loudly, or directed at an umpire or opposing team, will receive a team warning (each team allowed one warning per game). If anyone from the offending team uses profanity during the rest of the game the batter up (or the next batter if offending team is in the field) is automatically out and does not bat.
· Equipment- Home teams set up diamonds (except any games at Buhler Recreation Park, as they set up diamonds) bases, including safe base for first base, home plate and pitching rubber and supplies 2 playable game balls, Worth Hot Dot. Home team must supply the mat for the strike zone- 24” x 48” you may cut up an old carpet or make one from rubber. Bases set up at 65 feet, pitching 50 feet. The Pitching lane rule will be allowed (Pitcher may move back up to 65 feet as long as they use a legal delivery and arc.
· Bats-No titanium or hardball bats allowed, all bats must have grips, or be properly taped (no electrical tape) All bats must be legal as per the SPN Guidelines with USSSA Thumbprint
· No alcohol in view of umpire, if team is caught, automatic forfeit, except games at Buhler Park where teams may consume alcohol (bought at the park) in designated areas during game- No alcohol in the dugout area
· Maximum 6 males in line up at once (you may play 5 and 5, 4 and 6, etc. if desired). Exception, see extra hitter rule.
· Late Teams – Teams not ready to play right at the scheduled game time (not enough players, lineup not made, diamond not set up, if you’re the home team, etc.) will lose their first at bat. If 10 minutes late- automatic forfeit- unless team is playing a doubleheader on a different diamond for game one causing this to be late for game two- then no penalty is enforced
Forfeits- will count as a game played with non-forfeiting team awards a 10-0 win (and 2 points in the standings) In the event of a forfeit. The non-forfeiting team will NOT pay umpire for that game. The League will pay the umpire and the forfeiting team will be responsible for reimbursing the League for FULL UMPIRE FEE for the doubleheader ($70.00) with 7 days of forfeit or risk suspension)
This INCLUDES a team forfeiting during the game with open Liquor at City Diamonds OR at Buhler Park for outside Liquor. If a team forfeits a game at Buhler Park in which their opponents were at the Park for only one game that day they will be fined an additional $40 which will go directly to opponents to cover gate fees of the team.
If a team contacts the League with a courtesy call a minimum of 24 hours before game time to forfeit a game so we can contact the opponents and the umpire, they will not be responsible for Umpire Fees. If a team does give a courtesy call to forfeit, and the game/s end up being rained out, it will NOT be a forfeit, and will be rescheduled for the makeup weekend. If as team forfeits on a makeup date and it is rained out, it will NOT be rescheduled and still a forfeit
· Short players – you may play 1 or 2 players short taking automatic outs. If player comes late they can be put in lineup at any time, as long as the game is not delayed.
· Batting Order - you may put males and females in any order you like.
· Courtesy Line – male defensive players (except pitcher) must stay outside baselines between 1st and 2nd base and 2nd and 3rd base on female batters until ball leaves the pitchers hand. Failure to do so results in a dead ball, batter is awarded 1st base and all other base runners awarded 1 base.
· Bunt Rule- Females only may bunt. If batter “squares” to bunt, she cannot pull back and swing away. Batter is out and ejected from the game, whether contact was made or not if she swings away after squaring. If a player squares to bunt but pulls the bat back and makes no attempt to bunt in the umpires judgment it is NOT an automatic strike, only a strike if the pitch is a legally delivered strike. Courtesy line will still be in effect if batter squares to bunt.
· Substitutions – only time a female may be replaced by a male in the batting order or on the field is when you are playing with more than 4 females in the lineup. Exception, see extra hitter rule. Players may re-enter the game once, but only for the person that they were replaced by.
· Extra Hitter Rule (Optional) – Please always inform umpire when you hand in scorecard if you plan to bat more than 10 batters
Batting order Any order you like. 10 batters- maximum 6 males 11 batters- maximum 6 males 12 batters- maximum 7 males. 13 batters- maximum 7 males. 14 batters- maximum 8 males. Any combination of players in batting order can play defensively, (with maximum of 6 males on field)
- Whatever number of batters you start with you MUST FINISH WITH. Any open spots (if someone has to leave or can’t finish a game and there are no legal subs to put in) will be counted as automatic outs (not a forfeit)
· Courtesy Runner – NEW in 2021- Maximum 5 courtesy runners per game- male for male, female for female. You may now use anyone for the batting order (including spare list) to run, and a runner may be used more than once per game (as long at team does not exceed 5 in a game)
· Player eligibility
- All players must register online at www.slo-pitch.com to be eligible for any league games. Anyone caught using illegal players by way of opposing team making a protest, or any league official (including umpires) being made aware of it, the offending team will forfeit all games the illegal player has played, and, if occurs during playoffs, the team will be disqualified for the remainder of playoffs.
- To be eligible for playoffs, players must play at least 8 regular season games for any team that a player wants to play for in playoffs (all players should be prepared to show umpire ID upon request in playoffs). This prevents teams from “stacking” their teams in the playoffs. All League Tournament games count as games played. You will be disqualified from playoffs if caught with ineligible players
· Playing on multiple teams in League
– Player can play on as many teams as they like as long as they have registered with that team online.. Any conflicting games the league will not hold up games for players (eg. League Tournament, make up games, playoff weekend). The player must pick a team to play on. This rule is to make it fair for all teams so teams are not picking up players at diamonds on game days. To be eligible for playoffs a player must play a minimum of 8 games for THAT TEAM to play
· Lead Off - you may take steps off after a swing and a miss or when a ball crosses the plate.
· Commitment Line- (20 feet from home plate) Once you touch or cross commitment line you can not go backwards (backwards crossing fully back to 3rd base on 3rd base side of the line) and must proceed home. If you take steps back to 3rd base and cross back over commitment line you are OUT.
· No touching home plate or home strike zone mat at any time when scoring a run, if seen by umpire, runner is out.
· On plays at home plate the defensive player must be in contact with any part of the strike zone mat while in control of the ball with either hand. Defensive player may tag the runner out on plays at home as well
Pitching- 6-12 foot arc. A strike is any legal pitch not swung at that hits the strike zone mat- this now INCLUDES home plate as home plate will be placed entirely on the mat at the front of the strike zone. Teams now supply mat- 24” x 48” at any diamonds NOT at Buhler Park. You can not buy a mat that size so please make one out of old carpet or rubber
· Foul Ball – 3rd strike, you’re out!
· Walking Batters – if a male batter walks and is followed by a female, he gets 2 bases and the female batter bats. If followed by a male he only gets 1 base. If a male batter walks before an “auto out” he is awarded only first base.
· Tie Game – All tie games in regular season will remain a tie.
· Darkness or Rain – in this case 5 complete innings is considered an official game. If a game is called in the middle of an inning (past the 5th inning) the final score will be that of the last completed inning. Example – away team is leading 6 – 5 after 5 innings. In the top of the 6th they score 1 run. With 1 out in the bottom of the 6th, the home team scores 5 runs, but it starts pouring, the umpire has to call the game, the final score would be 6 – 5 for the away team.
· Steel cleats – not allowed. Player will be called out if at bat or on base and must remove them or leave the game. This is for safety and insurance purposes.
· All other rules of Slo-Pitch as per the SPN rulebook not mentioned above will be used.
- Remember if an umpire blows a call, it is not on purpose, and it is a part of the game. So don’t “FREAK OUT” on the umpires, it’s not the end of the world!!!
- All umpires decisions are final, if a player is ejected from a game:
- First offence – 1 game suspension
- Second offence – suspended indefinitely
- Any physical confrontation with umpires:
- First player from a team – person suspended indefinitely
- Second player from a team – team is suspended indefinitely
· PROTESTS – all protested games should be submitted in writing to League President, together with a $20.00 payment per protest. Money will be refunded if protest is won. If a game is protested, umpire is informed at time of incident and scorekeepers of both teams will mark at what point of the game the protest took place. These will be submitted to the League President with a written protest and deposit. Protestable situation – player eligibility, conflict of rules only (not balls and strikes, safe or out or any other judgment call). Protests will be addressed as soon as league office investigates situation and a decision is rendered.
· BAD WEATHER – in the event of bad weather all players are to call the league info line at (204) 654-2255. This includes bad forecasts and bad weather on previous days (some diamonds may be playable while others are under water). The league will not be calling teams to postpone games.
The League Tournament, Manitoba’s LARGEST Coed Softball Tournament will be held on June 7th- 9th with headquarters, draw and beer gardens held at Buhler Recreation Park. Buhler Recreation Park is an awesome facility with 9 diamonds all in park!
The Beer gardens will be at the clubhouse between the 2 wheels. There will also be a Beer Garden set up on the 2 wheels (set of 4 diamonds) so you may purchase beer, water and pop right at the diamond and legally have a beer and watch games in the designated areas. No alcohol on or around bench area!! Anyone caught with outside alcohol or drinking outside designated areas with be barred from the park for the remainder of the weekend and face possible suspension from League play.
The Tournament is included in league fees and the first 4 games will count in standings. Only League teams, with rostered players, will be allowed with all league rules being used. The tournament will be a round robin format and all teams will play 1 game Friday and 2 Saturday with teams going in A ,B , C & D for Sunday where first loss and your out, but come back to the beer gardens and party with the league. All games in tournament will be 5 innings with a 15 run mercy after 3 innings or 10 run mercy after 4 innings. Seven run max per inning, except final inning which is “open” Teams pay the umpires- $15 per team, per game.
Buhler Park and the League will set up diamonds for all tournament games (except Friday night on diamonds not at Buhler Park) The home team must supply 2 playable game balls for each. Teams will flip a coin for home team. The Winning team must bring scorecard to the designated spot at the beer gardens next to draw sheet immediately after completion of the game or risk forfeiting.
The tournament schedule for the first game of the 3 round robin games will be emailed to all teams no later than Monday, June 3rd and posted online. The remaining round robin games for Saturday will be posted online by the Wednesday. Sunday’s playdown times will be posted online on the Saturday after games are done – All teams play on the Sunday in the first loss and you are out format.Teams must check web site to see when you play, as the league will not be calling teams! There will be a PATIO PARTY on Friday, June 7th at Buhler Recreation Park.
All Champs & finalist will receive SPN Molson Slo-pitch prizing which will be presented at the beer gardens Sunday, June 9th after all finals are complete. Prizing will be posted on the draw sheet